Applied BioMath

Project Management
UX + Design

Discover how Thinkbean took ABM to the next level with an enhanced user experience and optimized Drupal site.

Strategy, user experience, design & development - learn how ABM found a true partner in Thinkbean.

Discover how Applied BioMath has come to reply on Thinkbean's strategy, user experience, design and development teams for projects ranging from minor site updates to new functionality, product launches and site optimization to take their company website and marketing plans to the next level.

The Challenge

Applied BioMath (ABM) was looking for a team of Drupal specialists who could work closely with, almost like an extension of, their own team to execute various company website and marketing efforts.

Main priority items over the past three years include:

  • Engaging homepage tools to showcase company statistics
  • Overall strategy in conjunction with internal marketing team to get results
  • Improved resources and news sections of website
  • Design enhancements site wide
  • New product launch strategy, design and development
  • Reduce page load times and improve overall site health


Strategy + Results

Something that sets Thinkbean apart is our team's ability to become almost an extension of our client's internal team. This empowers our clients to both have the support as well as to learn throughout the process by working closely with our strategists.

With ABM our strategists quickly formed a strong relationship which was based on trust and results. Due to this the internal team at ABM was able to confidently rely on the strategists and designers at Thinkbean to help guide their internal marketing and website strategies for a suite of projects.

These projects included a homepage redesign, interior page redesign, design and launch of a new resources section to better deliver content to ABM's visitors and a homepage feature display of company stats to increase engagement and brand power.

Most recently the team at ABM worked with our strategists on an exciting new product launch that, to date has, included a new page template, homepage hero video integration and improved site speed and performance. All of which enabled ABM to have a successful product launch and improved overall on site statistics.